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RE: Questions

Title: RE: Questions

Perhaps this is a chance to show at least one journalist in the
making that the common misconception is wrong???

Hopefully, she will use the answers we give to show that it is!

This is a student who at least asked for answers from radiation
experts, and if she does a good job and critically thinks this
through, may remember our open and honest answers and assistance.
I do not have the knowledge to assist her, but perhaps one of our
learned colleagues who HAVE that knowledge and know how to work
with the media can help her out. 

We have been bandying for some time HOW to approach the public
and media to get our science out, it seems this is one

And before I get flamed by the others who have had bad
experiences with the media, I was also at TMI when the
Philadelphia Enquirer did their 3 issue hatchet job on the
recovery.  Yes, it is a put-off to answer truthfully and
have yourself misstated... but it is not an excuse to give up!
She may, in fact, be thinking along our lines, and looking for
proof.  I would hate to turn a member of the media off to
looking to us for answers by being rebuffed.

Thank you, Amanda, for asking... I hope you get your answers.

Direct any personal comments to me... save the RADSAFE bandwidth!

Dennis E. Ferguson, RRPT
Radiation Protection Coordinator
Respiratory Protection, Haz/RadWaste Shipping, Environmental, Emergency Plan (RP)

Point Beach Nuclear Plant
E-MAIL: DENNIS.FERGUSON@prototype.wepco.com

All views expressed are my own, and do not represent the views of Wisconsin Electric.