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Cancer around Nuclear Facilities

<My name in Amanda Graham and I am a Journalism student researching
environmental links to breast cancer.  I was wondering if anyone could
help me find information on cancer rates in North America in locations
around nuclear power plants and nuclear waste sites. Any information
would be very helpful.

Thank you,

Dear Amanda:

I don't know if others have responded to your message with a substantive 
answer, but I would offer the following: The National Institutes of Health 
published a 3-volume study of "Cancer in Populations Living near Nuclear 
Facilities" (NIH Publication No. 90-874) in July 1990.  This study, which 
examined death rates from all cancers, looked at both commercial nuclear 
power plant sites and Department of Energy facilities, looking at the rates 
both before and after the facilities began operation.  

The report states "the Committee concludes that the survey ahs produced no 
evidence that an excess occurrence of cancer has resulted from living near 
nuclear facilities.  Further, measurements of radioactive releases from 
nuclear facilities indicate that the dose from routine operations is 
generally much below 
natural background radiation, and hence may be unlikely to produce observable 
effects on the health of surrounding populations."

Volumes 2 and 3 present detailed mortality statistics around each facility 
for all cancers (including breast cancer) before and after startup, and for 
five-year intervals, respectively.     

I think that report would be a great place to start your examination...

Morton I. Goldman, ScD

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