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Re: Y2K, The Movie

Bob Giansiracusa wrote:
> Well, it was on last night.  Isn't anyone going to start a flame about it?
> Or did everyone enjoy it as what it was intended for -- pure (albeit hokey)
> entertainment?
> Bob
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The movie was a real masterpiece of fiction, wasn't it!? I expecially
liked the part where one of the main characters referred to getting the
NRC and plant safety personnel involved as a bunch of "Homer Simpsons
running around". It only goes to reinforce my belief that these people
that write this garbage are about the same mentality and psychological
profile as Homer Simpson and must have led the life of a mushroom, (kept
in the dark and fed b--- s---) before dreaming this kind of stuff up.I
guess that's why they call TV the vast electronic wasteland. 

My own opinion, of course. Did anybody else besides us watch this thing,
Bob? I thought Radsafe would be sizzling about it today.

Jim Bell
Adco Services, Inc.

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