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Japanese Nuclear Victim Takes Turn for Worse

Saturday November 27 12:18 AM ET 

Japanese Nuclear Victim Takes Turn for Worse  

TOKYO (Reuters) - A worker heavily exposed to radiation this year in 
Japan's worst nuclear accident suffered temporary heart failure on 
Saturday and was in a very critical condition, his doctors said.  

Hisashi Ouchi, 35, had received the highest level of radiation 
exposure from the September accident at a nuclear processing plant 
northeast of Tokyo and was recently given revolutionary blood 
treatment, they said.  

Ouchi received 17 sieverts of radiation and experts said seven 
sieverts was considered a lethal dose. The exposure caused severe 
organ and tissue damage.  

Doctors at Tokyo University Hospital conducted stem cell transfusions 
on Ouchi. The procedure is similar to treatment given in some 
leukemia cases. Masato Shinohara, 39, another worker poisoned 
by radiation, has also received the treatment. 

Sandy Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
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