[ RadSafe ] Question about neutron source Pu238-Be

Ted de Castro tdc at xrayted.com
Thu Aug 25 00:05:26 CDT 2011

In the US these sources were made by MOUND Laboratory - and I can assure 
you that they have NO information on them.

They were custom made and thus came in many sizes usually characterized 
by the Curies of PU or the neutron emission rate in 4 pi.

If you can tell me either of those - and the date of course - I can 
calculate the approximate neutron dose rate now.  Gamma you'll just have 
to measure - I have no data on that.

On 8/24/2011 6:22 AM, BRISSON Nicolas wrote:
> A colleague of mine will carry out assessment on multiple neutron
> sources : dose rate measurements, activity assessment and packaging for
> transport and disposal.
> Most of these sources are Pu239-Be, Am241-Be or Ra226-Be and we have
> experience and documentation about them.
> But one of the source is a Pu238-Be and we don't have any information on
> this type of source. The provider is not known and the source is 50
> years old.
> If anyone has information about firms that produced this type of source
> and possibly values for gamma and neutron dose-rate, it would help us a
> lot to prepare for this operation.
> Thanks in advance,
> Nicolas Brisson
> route du Panorama
> tel : +33 1-58-35-87-24
> por :  +33 6-08-76-55-32
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