[ RadSafe ] Depleted uranium could this reduce our dependency on crude oil?

Ahmad Al-Ani ahmadalanimail at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 4 02:26:06 CDT 2012

Dear Roy, I couldn't agree more. 

However, you said "There should be a place in this future for fission to bridge us over to the use of fusion" is clearly a biased proposition, perhaps because of our profession.

The recycling of CO using depleted uranium is not necessarily a waste-less process, it remains to be proven in the real world.

Let the economics play things out on these choices. The news revealed in the article of the link I provided will make the nuclear energy even less financially competitive or even feasible, particularly in the open un-subsidized US energy market.


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 8:28 AM AST (Arabian) ROY HERREN wrote:

>  As a US citizen I am pained to have to ask, is it a good thing that "Besides 
>exporting coal, the United States will export LNG, oil products and perhaps even 
>crude oil in the next 10 to 15 years"?  As citizens of this world, Earth, we all 
>end up eventually sharing the same air and water as these resources 
>are endlessly recycled.  If global warming is fact, and not fiction, as some 
>would have us believe, then wouldn't we be better served in the end by 
>technology that limit continuing or growing carbon output?  What will become of 
>our precious earth's atmosphere if the good and rightfully deserving peoples of 
>the developing world try to live the American and western European lifestyle?  
>Imagine a world with another billion or so gasoline and diesel powered 
>automobiles and trucks.  Clearly if we the people of the world are to have an 
>environment that is fit to live in we will have to make hard choices as to our 
>future and the use of resources.  There should be a place in this future for 
>fission to bridge us over to the use of fusion.  Many of the technologies to 
>advance our world have already been developed and in some cases are already in 
>place.  Unfortunately we currently lack the cohesive political will to push 
>forward in a coherent fashion.
>Roy Herren 
>From: Ahmad Al-Ani <ahmadalanimail at yahoo.com>
>To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
>Sent: Sun, June 3, 2012 10:01:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Depleted uranium could this reduce our dependency on 
>crude oil?
>It looks like the energy landscape it changing in a way that "dependency on 
>crude oil" is no longer an issue affecting energy security for the US.
>"Besides exporting coal, the United States will export LNG, oil products and 
>perhaps even crude oil in the next 10 to 15 years" (Noel Tomnay, head of global 
>gas research at Wood Mackenzie)
>Ahmad Al-Ani
>On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 3:10 AM AST (Arabian) ROY HERREN wrote:
>>Depleted uranium could this reduce our dependency on crude oil? 
>>31 May 2012 17:18:24.228 
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