At the University of Ottawa, Canada, we are examining all
accessible information on the the induction of cancer in mammals, particularly
at low doses and dose rates.
I came accross an interesting paper
Authors: J.F Spalding, J.R. Prine, and G.L.
from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of
Los alamos,
New Mexico
United states of America
(These are the affiliations given in
the paper)
Late biological effects of ionizing radiation as
influenced by dose, dose rate, age at exposure and genetic sensitivity to
neoplastic transformations
published in
Late biological effetcs of ionizing radiation,
Vol II of the proceedings of an IAEA
Conference (1978), under the reference no. IAEA-SM-224/201
This paper reveals unconventional relationships between
dose and cancer risk, but unfortanutely does not provide details on the
experimental conditions such as number of animals per dose level, pathological
analyses performed, incidence of specific malignancies in controls, longevity in
various dose groups, etc...
Would anyone know how I could contact one of the
authors, and whether and how it would be possible to obtain detailed
information on this experiment? This information is crucial to the
analysis of cancer risk at low doses and dose rates, and this experiment seems
to have produced quite important information.
Many thanks in advance!
The information can be sent directly to me:
Philippe Duport
International Centre for Low Dose Radiation
Institute of the Environment
University of Ottawa, Canada
Tel: (613) 562 5800,ext. 1270
Fax: (613) 562 5873
e-mail: pduport@uottawa.ca, or pduport@home.com