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RE: Ignored consumer goods with Ra-226.
Dear friends,
NOTHING will be ignored any more, I think. In December NRC issued a draft
report for comment NUREG-1717 "Systematic Radiological Assessment of
Exemptions for Source and Byproduct Material"
<http://www.nrc.gov/NRC/NUREGS/SR1717/index.html)> .
It took me three days to print this monstrous report (830 pages, no
joke...). It seems that it covers practically everything everywhere. Am I
Kind regards
Nick Tsurikov
Eneabba, Western Australia
nick.tsurikov@iluka.com <mailto:Nick.tsurikov@iluka.com>
1000+1 radiation links
http://eneabba.net/ <http://eneabba.net/>
-----Original Message-----
From: Kerembaev@cs.com [mailto:Kerembaev@cs.com]
Sent: Thursday, 3 February 2000 21:28
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: Ignored consumer goods with Ra-226.
In a message dated 2/2/00 11:33:39 Pacific Standard Time,
sbd@co.disp.mindef.nl writes:
<< Could anybody explain to me why the existence of consumer
goods with radium
paint is constantly ignored by many (inter)national
I can see two reasons:
There are always these two reasons. ;-)
Who will pay for the surveys, clean up, surveys, clean up
and again surveys.
D&D. W.W.II museums as well as the rest of the museums are
on the border of
their economical survival.....
Normally, new regulations should be created with the
mechanism. It is easy to implement the Regs when you have a
leverage. What
kind of leverage could be with "unlicensed" veterans? Do you
really think
that they do care about those probabilistic models and a
"new evidence"?
Another thing when the site/base is decommissioning and a
museum is moving to
a different place or disolves. These are the only, to my
knowledge, cases
when W.W.II relics with Ra-226 have been removed from the
museums. There has
been done a some "regulatory" work on resells (pawn shops)
of the consumer
products with Ra-226. Actually, I am, my self, looking for a
set of wrist
watches with Radium dials. Does anybody want to sell?
I think, it is easy to handle a store which has a commercial
license with the
local authorities.
My guess, in three-five years, when there will not be many
W.W.II veterans
left around... ..... Citation will start changing. Next
generation, will
choose less exposure with less memory. Of course this is
only my opinion,
based on LNT.
Best regards and a Happy Thursday to everyone!
Why people have three different languages; writing, spoken
and thinking?
Why can't we write what we say and tell what we think?
"Unknown Author"
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