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Re: Critics Allege Infant Mortality Rate
I think there may be a lot more to do than collect baby teeth. As a former
resident of Salem County, I know that there is an almost surreal arrangement
of industrial plants in the area. I do not know the nature of their
processes or products, but I believe they do include, or have included,
lead-based paints, various drugs, including animal euthanasia products,
household and industrial chemicals, glass products, etc. It really is
something to behold from the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Of course, that does
not include all the facilities upstream on the Delaware River. Once we have
a valid study of overall health in the area before and after operation of the
power plant, corrected for all other factors (including positive
contributions of the power plant to the local economy and the public health),
then we may have something to discuss.
Lew LaGarde
e-mail - offtowy@aol.com
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