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Re: The UCS study on Nuclear Plant Risk Studies

Jim Phelps forwarded to RISKANAL (and someone else, I believe, forwarded to 
RADSAFE) the Executive Summary of a Union of Concerned Scientists' 
report on the NRC and nuclear utility use of probabalistic risk 
assessment techniques.  This is an area in which I have worked, both at 
the laboratory and with previous employers.  I have reviewed the summary 
and the report itself, written by UCS's nuclear safety director, David 
Lochbaum.  I have interspersed comments on the summary and report. 

Best regards.

Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA

These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my 
management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.

[DOEWatch] NRC Relies on Falsified Safety Studies
NRC Relies on Falsified Safety Studies 
   This is the executive summary of the UCS report "Nuclear Plant Risk 
   Studies: Failing the Grade" 

 <General JSD comment>:  A few months ago, I defended Dave Lochbaum's 
 technical credentials, in the wake of a four-day tantrum on the RADSAFE 
 radiation safety mailing list.  Sadly, his current report does not 
 justify my defense of his credentials (a 17-year career as a reactor 
 operator and shift technical advisor, mostly at TVA).  Although he 
 obviously spent a lot of time looking through the records in the NRC's 
 Public Document Room, he appears to have started out without much 
 knowledge of PRA techniques and ended his research in not much better 
 shape.  His full report several times confuses the concepts of event 
 trees and fault trees, a very basic distinction between the two major 
 tools used in PRAs.  Many of the sources he cites are 20 to 25 years old 
 and not relevant to the current status of probabilistic risk assessment 
 or the issue of how it should be used to support regulation.  The 
 report features very selective use of evidence, rather than an attempt 
 to produce a balance evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of PRA 
 techniques.  The choice of the phrase "Falsified Safety Studies" in the 
 title of the UCS press release carries with it connotations of 
 fraudulent analysis and reporting.  The UCS report provides no evidence 
 of this.  It has assertions, with varying quality of evidence, that the 
 assumptions and methods used in performing nuclear probabalistic risk 
 assessment are flawed. <End JSD comment> 

An accident at a US nuclear power plant could kill more people than were 
killed by the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.1 The financial 
repercussions could also be catastrophic. The 1986 accident at the 
Chernobyl nuclear plant cost the former Soviet Union more than three 
times the economical benefits accrued from the operation of every other 
Soviet nuclear power plant operated between 1954 and 1990.2 
 <JSD comment>:  The "more people than ... Nagasaki" assertion relies on 
 roughly 20-year-old analytical results calculated using a computer code 
 that was superceded almost that long ago.  Subsequently, we have had the 
 experience of the Chernobyl accident, which dispersed more of the 
 reactor core to the environment than any plausible accident occurring in 
 U.S. power reactors, all of which have designs not subject to the 
 failure mechanisms in the Chernobyl accident and all of which have 
 containment structures designed to, well, contain the consequences of 
 severe accidents.  The short term consequences of Chernobyl do not 
 begin to approach the short term consequences of the Nagasaki bomb and 
 there is no reason to believe that the long-term (cancer induction) 
 consequences of Chernobyl will exceed the long-term consequences of the 
 Nagasaki bomb, which are well-described by the epidemiological studies 
 of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation and are much smaller that 
 the immediate effects of the bomb.  Further, the NUREG-1150 PRA study of 
 severe accident consequences, which evaluates consequences of severe 
 accidents at five different reactors, does not support the "more than 
 ... Nagasaki" assertion.  <End JSD comment> 
But consequences alone do not define risk. The probability of an 
accident is equally important. When consequences are very high, as they 
are from nuclear plant accidents, prudent risk management dictates that 
probabilities be kept very low. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 
attempts to limit the risk to the public from nuclear plant operation to 
less than 1 percent of the risk the public faces from other accidents. 

 <JSD comment>:  The full report has the correct figures for the NRC 
 Safety Goals.  The NRC tries to assure that the risk to the public of an 
 early fatality resulting from a reactor accident is less than 0.1% or 
 the risk of accidental death due to other causes.  The NRC has a 
 complementary goal that the risk of a fatal cancer caused by a nuclear 
 accident should also be less that 0.1% or the risk of developing cancer 
 due to all other causes.
 The comment about consequences and probabilities is certainly true.  
 This interplay of probability and consequences was the reason the NRC 
 supported the development in the late 60s and early 70s of probabilistic 
 risk assessment techniques for application to reactor saftety issues.  
 This development resulted in the Reactor Safety Study (the Rasmussen 
 report), completed in 1973.  The Commission has continued to support 
 critical review and development of PRA techniques. <End JSD comment> 

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) examined how nuclear plant risk 
assessments are performed and how their results are used. We concluded 
that the risk assessments are seriously flawed and their results are 
being used inappropriately to increase -- not reduce -- the threat to 
the American public. 

Nuclear plant risk assessments are really not risk assessments because 
potential accident consequences are not evaluated. They merely examine 
accident probabilities -- only half of the risk equation. Moreover, the 
accident probability calculations are seriously flawed. They rely on 
assumptions that contradict actual operating experience: 

 <JSD comment>:  The assertion that nuclear plant PRAs look only at 
 accident probabilities is simply false, and the body of the UCS report 
 suggests that Lochbaum has read enough of the literature to know that it 
 is false.  There is a sequential structure to nuclear PRAs.  The Level 1 
 PRA evaluates the probabilities of sequences leading to a specific 
 consequence, serious core damage.  If Level 1 PRAs were all that were 
 done, the UCS comment about merely examining probabilities would be 
 sort of true.  Level 2 PRAs further evaluate the sequences identified 
 in the Level 1 PRA to estimate releases of radioactivity from the 
 reactor core to the primary and secondary cooling systems, from the 
 cooling systems to the reactor containment and the environment, and 
 from containment to the outside environment.  A Level 3 PRA will take 
 the estimates of probabilities of releases to the environment and 
 quanities of radionuclides released and combine those with information 
 about demographics and weather to estimate exposures to the public.  
 The original Reactor Safety Study consisted of two Level 3 PRAs, one 
 for a pressurized water reactor and one for a boiling water reactor.  
 It was followed by a number of additional Level 1 PRAs.  During the 
 80s, the NRC supported the development of 5 Level 3 PRAs that used a 
 much more detailed and sophisticated modeling of severe accidents and 
 their public consequences that earlier studies.  These studies were 
 published as NUREG-1150 in the 1987 and subsequently every US reactor 
 has performed an IPE (Individual Plant Examination) that was either a 
 full Level 3 PRA or just short of it.  These IPEs have been reviewed by 
 the NRC and by independent reviewers.  <End JSD comment> 

The risk assessments assume nuclear plants always conform with safety 
requirements, yet each year more than a thousand violations are 

 <JSD comment>:  This is an apparent reference to Licensee Event Reports, 
 many of which have no relationship to safety issues.  The number of LERs 
 submitted per plant per year has been dropping steadily.  The 1996 NRC 
 Annual Report (the most recent historical table I was able to find in a 
 brief search) shows a decrease from 26 LERs per plant in 1987 to 12 LERs 
 per plant in 1996. <End JSD comment>

Plants are assumed to have no design problems even though hundreds are 
reported every year. 

 <JSD comment>:  Identification of design weaknesses and errors is a 
 significant part of the rationale for performing full-scope PRAs.  <End 
 JSD comment> 

Aging is assumed to result in no damage, despite evidence that aging 
materials killed four workers. 

 <JSD comment>:  The NRC has not attempted to assess the impact of aging 
 using PRAs, although it has investigated the possibility of 
 incorporating consideration of component aging into PRAs.  The NRC 
 supported a roughly 10-year, $50 million research program to consider 
 the impact of aging on all classes of reactor components.  Results of 
 that program support consideration of continued licensing of reactors 
 and of applications to extend the license past the original 40-year 

 The four workers referred to above were killed when a pipe on 
 the non-nuclear side of the Surry plant in Virginia ruptured.  
 Investigation of that accident resulted in the identification of a 
 previously unknown failure mechanism, erosion-corrosion, affecting pipe 
 segments containing mixtures of steam and water.  All piping in all 
 nuclear plants was evaluated and some plants replaced 20-30% of their 
 secondary-side piping.  Erosion-corrosion affects a number of industries 
 with process piping.  It was one of the causes of the accident a couple 
 of years ago at the Tosco refinery in Martinez, CA that killed four 
 workers and disabled one.  It is probably a candidate cause for the 
 natural gas pipeline rupture south of Carlsbad, NM a week or so ago 
 that killed 11 campers.  To the best of my knowledge, other industries 
 have not dealt with their erosion-corrosion issues in the same 
 comprehensive fashion as the nuclear utilities.  Parenthetically, the 
 nuclear utility industry has one of the best worker safety records of 
 any "heavy" industry. <End JSD comment> 

Reactor pressure vessels are assumed to be fail-proof, even though 
embrittlement forced the Yankee Rowe nuclear plant to shut down. 

 <JSD comment>:  The assumption is that the probability of failure is 
 less than the one in a million per year cut-off for inclusion in a PRA.  
 Utilities and reactor vendors are not flying blind on this however.  
 Each reactor contains a number of small metal "coupons", consisting of 
 the same metals as the reactor vessel and positioned at the midline of 
 the vessel where radiation levels are highest.  Each time the reactor is 
 refueled, some of the coupons are removed and tested for embrittlement.  
 My understanding is that the cost of annealing the Yankee Rowe reactor 
 vessel (which essentially "repairs" the embrittlement), combined with 
 other needed repairs, when balanced against the value of continuing to 
 operate an old and small reactor, did not justify keeping it in 
 operation.  <End JSD comment>

The risk assessments assume that plant workers are far less likely to 
make mistakes than actual operating experience demonstrates. 

 <JSD comment>:  I don't believe this to be the case.  I was one of the 
 authors of a paper, published in the December 1997 issue of Risk 
 Analysis, Conservatism of the Accident Sequence Evaluation Program HRA 
 Procedure, by B.F. Gore et al., which used results of reactor operator 
 requalification exams to validate the methods used to estimate operator 
 error probabilities for use in PRAs.  <End JSD comment> 
The risk assessments consider only the threat from damage to the reactor 
core despite the fact that irradiated fuel in the spent fuel pools 
represents a serious health hazard.  The results from these unrealistic 
calculations are therefore overly optimistic. 

 <JSD comment>:  The NRC has used PRA techniques to investigate the risks 
 associated with potential spent fuel pool accidents.  This class of 
 accidents have not been part of the reactor PRAs, but neither have they 
 been ignored.  <End JSD comment>

Furthermore, the NRC requires plant owners to perform the calculations, 
but fails to establish minimum standards for the accident probability 
calculations. Thus, the reported probabilities vary widely for virtually 
identical plant designs. Four case studies clearly illustrate the 

 <JSD comment>:  There is **some** justification for these remarks.  The 
 NRC has sponsored quite a bit of research aimed at standardizing PRA 
 techniques, but they have not compelled the various groups performing 
 PRAs to adhere to any particular standard.  This is similar to the 
 reactor standardization issue.  The NRC has allowed the five reactor 
 vendors and 10 or so architect engineer firms and the 50 or so nuclear 
 utilities to design, build, and operate a bewildering array of different 
 designs.  By contrast, France has a single reactor vendor and a single 
 utility and just a few different reactor designs, those representing a 
 refinement of the original design over time.  France gets something on 
 the order of 70% or their electricity from nuclear and has had a 
 generally good operating record.  France is also a smaller country with 
 a history of administrative centralization.  Interestingly, one of the 
 consequences of deregulation in the electrical utility industry is that 
 operation of nuclear power plants is tending to become concentrated in 
 the hands of some of the larger and more competent nuclear utilities. 
 <End JSD comment> 

The Wolf Creek plant in Kansas and the Callaway plant in Missouri were 
built as identical twins, sharing the same standardized Westinghouse 
design. But some events at Callaway are reported to be 10 to 20 times 
more likely to lead to reactor core damage than the same events at Wolf 

The Indian Point 2 and 3 plants share the same Westinghouse design and 
sit side by side in New York, but are operated by different owners. On 
paper, Indian Point 3 is more than 25 percent more likely to experience 
an accident than her sister plant. 

The Sequoyah and Watts Bar nuclear plants in Tennessee share the same 
Westinghouse design. Both are operated by the same owner. The newer 
plant, Watts Bar, was originally calculated to be about 13 times more 
likely to have an accident than her sister plant. After some 
recalculations, Watts Bar is now only twice as likely to have an 

 <JSD comment>:  Here in the Executive Summary and in the Full Report 
 Lochbaum implies sinister intent and results to a re-analysis that 
 reduces the calculated risk.  Anyone familiar with design analysis will 
 be aware of the trade-off between the accuracy of the analysis and the 
 cost of analysis.  If a simple, conservative analysis is sufficient to 
 verify the adequacy or the safety of the design, well and good.  If 
 not, then perhaps a more realistic, less conservative, and more than 
 coincidentally, more expensive design analysis will be performed.  
 Sometimes the design itself will be modified to eliminate the need for 
 more involved analysis.  <End JSD comment> 

Nuclear plants designed by General Electric are equipped with a backup 
system to shut down the reactor in case the normal system of control 
rods fails. On paper, that backup system is highly reliable. Actual 
experience, however, shows that it has not been nearly as reliable as 
the risk assessments claim. To make matters worse, the NRC is allowing 
plant owners to further increase risks by cutting back on tests and 
inspections of safety equipment. The NRC approves these reductions based 
on the results from incomplete and inaccurate accident probability 

 <JSD comment>:  There are a couple of issues here.  The backup control 
 system floods the reactor coolant system with borated water.  Since it 
 is the backup to a fairly high reliability control rod system, and is 
 only required to function when that system fails, the overall plant 
 risk is not very sensitive to the reliability assumed (or demonstrated) 
 for the backup system.  One of the systems for which the NRC has 
 allowed (and even encouraged) reduction in test frequency is the 
 emergency diesel generators used in many plants to provide emergency 
 electrical power in situations where off-site power is lost due to 
 weather events, etc.  The rationale for reduced test frequency is that 
 the fairly stressful monthly testing regime was demonstrated to be the 
 major cause of wear and failure in these diesels.  <End JSD comment> 

UCS recommends that the NRC immediately stop cutting safety margins and 
postpone any further cuts until the faults in the probability 
assessments are corrected. The US Congress must provide the NRC with the 
budget it needs to restore the safety margins at America's nuclear power 

 <JSD comment>:  I disagree that the NRC has been cutting safety margins 
 but agree that they have been starved for funding by a Congress 
 essentially hostile to the very idea of government regulation.  The 
 last time I visited (a few years ago) NRC staff, they were getting 
 pretty frazzled from the work load.

 In a situation in which most of the risk of nuclear reactors is 
 hypothetical (that is, the risk is mostly in accident sequences that 
 can be imagined, but which have never occurred), UCS is recommending 
 that the best tool for assessing those risks and making decisions about 
 what to inspect, what to regulate and how much, what systems and 
 operational practices to modify and how, and where to spend research 
 dollars, not be used because it isn't perfect yet.
 The NRC adoption of risk-based regulation can hardly be described as 
 rash or hasty -- they have been considering the implications of PRA for 
 25 years and are only now adopting a fairly consistent risk-based 
 approach to regulation, even though they funded the initial and much of 
 the subsequent development.  <End JSD comment> 

1 US House of Representatives, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 
Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, "Calculation of Reactor 
Accident Consequences (CRAC2) for US Nuclear Power Plants (Health 
Effects and Costs) Conditional on an 'SST1' Release," November 1, 1982; 
and Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "A Safety and Regulatory Assessment 
of Generic BWR and PWR Permanently Shutdown Nuclear Power Plants," 
NUREG/CR-6451, Washington, D.C., August 1997. 

2 Richard L. Hudson, "Cost of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Soars in New 
Study," Wall Street Journal, March 29, 1990. 

2 Brattle Square
Cambridge, MA 02238

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