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Re: Anti-nuclear sentiment
It seems that some are mystified about the reasons for so much anti-nuclear
sentiment. It certainly seems that a rational approach to power generation
would include nuclear power as an acceptable source of power. But we may be
misunderstanding how people form their opinions. Recently, I have read some
of Mark Twain's writing on how people form opinions. He was mainly talking
about opinions on religion and politics but his remarks would serve just as
well in regard to opinions on any subject. Mark Twain claims that people
form their opinions not on the basis of rationality but through the influence
of their relatives, friends and neighbors. He shows that this seems to be
the case of religion especially, where religious views are very strongly
influenced by association, rather than rationality. He also mentions
"cornpone opinions", to the effect that the source of one's daily bread also
influences opinions. I think Mark Twain is probably right about how people
form their opinions. If so, those who are hoping that nuclear power will be
evaluated on the basis of rationality will probably be disappointed. Only
when the public begins to view nuclear power as necessary for their well
being, will their attitudes change. In other words, self interest is
probably a much stronger factor than rationality in determining attitudes
towards all things nuclear.
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