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DU and biological effects
Jim, Ted, Bernie and other RADSAFERS,
I know there is a strong body among the RP community that rejects the LNT
as being unrealistic at 'low' doses, in that it over-estimates the risk. I
just wanted to bring to your attention those that reject the LNT for
allegedly under-estimating the risk of e.g. leukaemia from exposure to DU,
a thread which has found its way to "Mailing List for Risk Professionals"
A quoted presentation to the Royal Society, London, by Chris Busby (radical
radiation risk model) makes 'fascinating' reading:
<A HREF="http://www.llrc.org/durs.htm";>http://www.llrc.org/durs.htm</A>
(I am slightly baffled how the response from a foetal dose of less than 0.1
mSv due to Chernobyl fallout could be discerned from the natural
Chris Hofmeyr
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