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Re: LNT, Collective Dose
----- Original Message -----
From: <BLHamrick@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: LNT, Collective Dose
> jjcohen@prodigy.net writes:
> > "But EPA acknowledges its authority "to establish nonzero MCLGs for
carcinogens if the scientific evidence" indicates that a "safe threshold"
exists. See Final Rule, 63 Fed. Reg. at 69,401/2. And petitioners here
assume the validity of the linear default assumption. "
There is no way to prove a threshold. Logically, it is
impossible to prove any negative.
> >
> I agree with you 100% here, but just try that logic on the political
> and in courts of law. They have a hard time with the comprehending the
> absurdity of trying to prove a negative.
Your comment about political bodies and courts is ironic for activities
which take place in the United States. Here those political bodies and
courts were founded on the concept of "innocence until guilt is proven",
based on the founders' recognition of the absurdity of trying to prove a
negative. As that concept is slowly being erased in the general society,
its use in science will someday be considered an unacceptable anomaly.
Don Kosloff dkosloff1@msn.com
2910 Main St., Perry OH 44081
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