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Re: [DOEWatch] Understanding the tsunami threat to coastal nuclea r power plants
In a message dated Wed, 20 Jun 2001 6:52:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Jerry Cohen" <jjcohen@prodigy.net> responds to the following:
<< ...the idea of building a nuclear power plant in an earthquake zone OR a tsunami zone (coastal area) is ludicrous! Or an asteroid zone.>>
With the tongue-in-cheek:
<< If I understand this correctly, it is possible that an enormous earthquake, asteroid,or tsunami might some day hit the southern California coast...[and] the really serious consequence of such an event would be the destuction of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant with possible release of radioactivity. Stop the world. I want to get off! >>
What I want to know is, how do I get to the nearest asteroid-free zone?
Barbara L. Hamrick
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