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Virus Warning

Radsafers -
My apologies to all that recently received one (or more) virus-infected messages from me.  My computer has been infected with a virus or viruses, which were replicated and forwarded to numerous people I have corresponded with (and even others I have not, such as some radsafe members).  The virus names that have been identified are:
W32/Magistr.A          W32.Magistr.24876@mm        W32/Magistr@mm        W32/unknown
My thanks to those who alerted me to the situation.  I have since installed Norton Antivirus 2001 and it tells me it has cleaned my system, so hopefully no more infected messages will go out.  Unfortunatey, some recipients of infected messages opened them because they recognized my name, so please learn from this - NEVER open file attachments unless you are expecting them; respond to the sender first to verify that the message is legitimate.
Again, my apologies,
Walter Cofer