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Re: Having a baby after a seed implant

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Franz Schoenhofer wrote:


> >

> >On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Franz Schoenhofer wrote:

> >

> >>  These are the facts. The chance of genetic defects like

> >> mongolism is increasing not only with the age of the mother, but with the

> >> age of the father as well.

> >

> > --Is there a reference on age of father affecting mongolism? I

> >know about it affecting other genetic defects, but had not heard about

> >mongolism from father's age.


> The woman I was once married to and had three children with worked in a

> cytogenetic laboratory, where amniocenthesis was carried out and couples

> with genetic defects in their family were adviced. From this time - this was

> before my three children, now aged 23, 21 and 20, were born, I remember that

> first information came along that not only the age of the mother but to a

> lesser extent the age of the father played a role. This was the basis for my

> comment. I do not have any references from that time. Because of your

> question I tried to conduct a research on the internet, which I can only do

> from search engines like yahoo or altavista. I found a few results stating

> that only the age of the mother was of concern and as well a few, that

> mentioned the influence of the fathers age. I have no idea, how trustworthy

> these sites are. I do not have access to medical data bases, but I suppose

> it should be easy to retrieve from them some information. If somebody would

> search for it, I would be interested in the results.

	--I didn't mean for you to spend so much time and effort in

answering my question; my apologies. When I last looked into the question

about 20 years ago, the principal risk from paternal age was

achondroplasia (short limbed dwarfism). That is enough of a reason to

worry about fathering a child at an advanced age. It was then said that

many other genetic diseases that are affected, and mongolism may be one of



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