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Re: "Nuclear Waste Really Does Have A Home"
: Otto G. Raabe <ograabe@ucdavis.edu>
An: Franz Schoenhofer <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>;
radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>; powernet@hps1.org
Datum: Freitag, 27. Juli 2001 22:09
Betreff: Re: "Nuclear Waste Really Does Have A Home"
>July 27, 2001
>Davis, CA
>The IBD article is primarily about so-called "high level radioactive
>waste". Of course, for Class A, B, and C low level radioactive waste
>(LLRW), current methods of near surface disposal are used.
>Burial of LLRW within the approved classes and quantities has proved to be
>a safe, cost effective, and appropriate method for disposal of LLRW.
What criteria were used to determine "cost-effectiveness"? I would think
that by most rational standards the costs are exorbitant and the disposal
requirements constitute gross overkill considering the potential hazard!
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