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RE: Re: Ecologic Limitations

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Thomas J Savin wrote:

> I must confess that the statement below - is totally baffling to me.

  The first question is what was the life expectancy in the late 1800's.

  Did people live long enough to get lung cancer?

	--The issue of radon induced lung cancer in the early twentieth

century, in U.S. and elsewhere,  is treated in substantial

detail in our paper in Health Physics 38:53ff;1980. Diagnostic efficiency

is the biggest issue as lung cancer was virtually unknown at that time,

but our treatment is convincing that there really were fewer lung cancers

than expected from radon alone

> Smoking Tobacco had been performed way before the late 1800's.

	--Cigarette smoking did not become common in U.S.until World War 1


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