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Re: Objectivity
You miss the point. Not a contest, but the degree to which anyone can be intellectually honest (because we all rationalize), is a continual challenge
to any scientist. Bernie Cohen won the highest praise from the most critical of scientists.
Howard Long
"Jacobus, John (OD/ORS)" wrote:
> Howard,
> Since Dr. Cohen would be the judge of whether he was wrong or not, I wonder
> if it was a fair contest.
> -- John
> John Jacobus, MS
> Certified Health Physicist
> 3050 Traymore Lane
> Bowie, MD 20715-2024
> E-mail: jenday1@email.msn.com (H)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hflong@postoffice.pacbell.net
> [mailto:hflong@postoffice.pacbell.net]
> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 7:13 PM
> To: Ted de Castro; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: Re: Objectivity
> Ted,
> Trying to prove oneself wrong, is promoted by some as the highest expression
> pf science. Bernard Cohen was held up to us as doing that.. Art Robinson
> PhD, president of Oregon Inst of Science and Medicine (http://www.oism.org)
> with 3 Nobel Laureates on his staff, introduced Bernie to our Doctors for
> Disaster Preparedness meeting by saying he had never seen a scientist do as
> well as Bernie at trying to prove himself wrong (even offering a $3,000
> reward to anyone who could).
> . . .
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