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Fwd: Pu contact dose rates
Oops I meant to cc this to readsafe and forgot
I would be interested if you could provide a summary of information sources that your request has identified. When you asked your original question I was struck by the similarity to a question asked some time ago on Radsafe. This question was concerned about the radiation damage to plastics. IN that instance the person (I apologise because I have lost the original e-mail and can't name the individual) wished to look at appropriate materials for the long term storage of plutonium and plutonium contaminated materials. This question struck a cord with me because the facility where I work uses some form of plastic containers inside metal containers for the storage of plutonium contamintated materials. So I had a trwal for a few days on and off to try and find information on this issue. While I was able to find a couple of references to books which contained information on the degradation of plastic by irradia!
tion I would agree that it is not easy to find even references to document which detail the effects plutonium alphas on various materials.
So having made a short story veryu long please, if you have the time, post any useful refernces on Radsafe.
P.S. I also work for an organisation with a long history of nuclear research and development, and know that much of the work undertaken in past decades has not been preserved due to budget/cost constraints. This is very frustrating when you believe that good work has probably been undertaken on a matter in the past, but that the research has been "lost".