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Re: Government Is Slow to Offer Safety Plans

This topic was discussed after the Tokamura incident, where officials

evacuated individuals where there wasn't the remotest possibility of

a public exposure. My opinion was that any govt. official who orders

an evacuation, knowing full well that there is no exposure, but does

it to make the public "feel good" is simply negligent, and, in the

long run, may actually cause more injuries, due to moving large

populations and the hysteria surrounding the order. Unfortunately,

there were many on this list who said that it would be OK to do this,

knowing that there is no risk, no exposure, simply to make the public

feel that something was being done.

And,, we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot, promoting a risk

that is non-existent.

Dear colleagues,

We can understand Chernobyl errors in large spectrum, obsolete reactors, and

non-democratic country at that time, etc.

What we can't understand is so stupid mistakes in the Tokaimura Accident,

considering the Japanese high technology and elevated culture to follow

orders and procedures. These are our legacy on lack of credibility.

I'll not comment the USA capability or European Community, most of them high

rank countries, my comment is about countries that follow the IAEA

recommendations on Emergency. IAEA have published many Documents on Generic

procedures for assessment and response during a radiological or nuclear

emergency, if countries have or not capability to implement such

recommendations is another story. The fact is documents were written, and

also training was provided. IAEA has offered many Regional and International

training on Emergency to developing countries, many of them in USA held at

Argonne Nat. Lab. Division of Training.

About the Sandy's comment above, the protective measures on sheltering,

administration of stable iodine, evacuation, relocation need to be  based on

the Generic Intervention Level (averted dose) and according with the IAEA

Intervention Criteria in a Nuclear or Radiation Emergency, Safety Series 109

is: Sheltering 10 mSv in two days, Evacuation 50 mSv in a week, Relocation

10 mSv in 1st month for six month and Permanent Resettlement 1 Sv in a

lifetime, all this is technical consideration, however, politically country

can consider approach like Sandy's remark. This has happened in the Goiania

Accident, were  the dose criterion adopted was that the dose to the critical

group in the first year should not exceed 5 mSv. Actions levels were derived

from this criterion, and with value as follow:

a) Inside houses (external exposure) 1 mSv;

b) Outside houses (pathways from contaminated soil) 4 mSv, broken down into

3 mSv due to external irradiation and 1 mSv due to internal exposure, such

as via contaminated fruit and produce

On the other hand we have learned that mental distress and anxiety will be

associated with any accident, regardless of whether an actual dose has been

received or not, this is attributable to the perception of a risk to health,

and depends in part on whether people have confidence that the authorities

are competent and trustworthy and have taken prompt and effective action to

control radiation doses.

Finally we can understand by errors, Chernobyl, Tokaimura and many

radiological accidents that Communication with Public and Media and Social

and Psychological Attendance need more and more be implemented and these

past accidents have shown that failure to have adequate arrangements in

place and the commitment of resources at the time of the emergency can

seriously delay actions to bring the emergency under control.

I have learned a lot in Goiania dealing with the Radiological Accident in

the Center of the City, with many situations that I never have learned in

any emergency literature.

Jose Julio Rozental




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