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Re: Another question re: dose
John Johnson wrote:
> FYI, doses can be in Grey (absorbed dose in energy per unit mass) or two
> kinds of Seiverts (1. equivalent dose in Greys x a radiation weighting
> factor Wsub(R) or 2. effective dose (Esub(eff)) in Greys x a radiation
> weighting factor Wsub(R) x a tissue weighting factor Wsub(T) ). The
> effective dose is an attempt to calculate a quantity that is proportional to
> the risk.
> A whole body Esub(eff) of 10 mSv/year has a much higher risk than the same
> Esub(eff) to a smaller tissue.
IF and ONLY IF LNTH is true! This is a problem with SI units - they are
defined in terms of LNTH, making it hard to discuss otherwise without
So very Orwellian!
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