I was the Project Manager for Duratek, Inc. at a refinery in western
Louisiana that had a melted Ir-192 radiography source. It happened this past
In a nutshell, a 40 Ci (effective) Ir-192 source contacted an energized welding lead inside a acid settling tank that was being repaired. The arc vaporized a good portion of the source, some more stuck to the welding lead, and the rest was cranked back into the projector. The
vapor seemed to quickly re-condense. Tank ventilation caused discrete particles
to be strewn over the surrounding area and 1,000 meters
some tidbits:
summary, a Ir-192 RDD might:
that this helps.
Add this card to your address book -----Original Message----- From: Carol S. Marcus [] Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 5:14 PM To: Subject: Chemical state of Ir-192 sources Dear Radsafers: I am interested in knowing the chemical state of Ir-192 in sealed sources, and any thoughts on what would happen chemically to the Ir-192 if it was exploded as a radiologic dispersion device. I am trying to estimate biodistribution and kinetics if such Ir-192 were to be inhaled, ingested, or introduced traumatically (e.g. contaminated shrapnel). Anyone having any information on biodistribution and kinetics is requested to share it with me. The California Statewide Medical and Health Disaster Exercise on Nov 14th includes an Ir-192 RDD scenario, and I have been asked to critique our Exercise Guidebook. Ir-192 in an RDD is a reasonable scenario, and I need to know this anyway. If, for example, the Ir-192 is chemically just solid metal, and some of it is converted to insoluble oxide in the explosion, then we would worry about pulmonary and pulmonary lymph node deposition. Little would ionize and get into the blood and other organs. Ingested Ir-192 would just pass through. If, on the other hand, much of it were to be in a soluble form, the biodistribution and kinetics would be entirely different. Many thanks for any help you can give me. Ciao, Carol Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D. ************************************************************************ You are currently subscribed to the Radsafe mailing list. To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to Put the text "unsubscribe radsafe" (no quote marks) in the body of the e-mail, with no subject line. You can view the Radsafe archives at |