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Re: GAO Opens DB Investigation (correction)

As I remember it right,

There never was a hole as a penetration in the

reactor in DB.

There was a cavity with NO penetration thru the

reactor head.

A cavity has only an entrance which also could be

an exit, if you want to get out. ;-)

A hole has entrance and exit and they are differ.



Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 08:49:32 -0400

From: "Richard F. Orthen" 


Subject: GAO Opens DB Investigation

>From Bill Corcoran at NSRC:

GAO opening investigation of Davis-Besse nuclear 


Thursday, September 05, 2002

CLEVELAND -- The investigative arm of Congress is

opening an investigation

into why federal regulators let a northwest Ohio 

nuclear plant stay open

after government engineers suspected it was 

leaking coolant.

The General Accounting Office's investigation of 

the Davis-Besse plant in

Oak Harbor is the seventh one so far. Workers 

found a hole in the reactor

cover in March while the plant was shut down for 

routine maintenance. It

remains closed.

Spokesmen for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 

and the plant's operator,

Akron-based FirstEnergy Corporation, told The 

Plain Dealer they would

cooperate with this latest investigation.

Several reviews already have said plant managers 

and the NRC missed the

growing hole for up to eight years.

GAO spokesman Bob Robinson says the agency will 

begin its work within the

next three months.

Rick Orthen



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