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Re: Congression competence.
Hey. You can't show an congressperson is an idiot!
Regards, Jim
on 9/18/02 11:59 AM, Don Jordan at ramservices@LSOL.NET wrote:
> Some years ago I posted to Radsafe the verbatim testimony of Congressman
> Nick Rahall regarding clean-up standards. When the questioner asked Mr.
> Rahall if he thought it sensible to, say, attempt to clean up a site to
> standards that were lower than background, Mr. Rahall replied that there was
> no background radiation in his state.
> After the nature of background radiation was explained (accurately) to him,
> Mr. Rahall reaffirmed that he was sure there was no such thing as background
> radiation in his state of West Virginia. If the old archives (ca. 1996) are
> still available, you can dig up the original post. [I don't have it, and no
> longer have a Federal Depository Library across the street to look it up
> again.]
> Since Mr. Rahall has been in the news recently assuring us that there are no
> WMD in Iraq, his testimony may be of current interest.
> Don Jordan
> RAM Services, Inc.
> ramservices@lsol.net
> Tel.: +1-920-686-3889
> Fax: +1-920-686-3899
> 510 County Highway V
> Two Rivers, WI 54241 U.S.A.
> ************************************************************************
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