colleagues Just to inform you that the Call for Papers for the forthcoming First International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS2003), is now open. APHYS-2003 will take place in Badajoz (Spain), from 14-18 October 2003 and intends to be a fully interdisciplinar Conference and therefore a broad range of topics are covered. All the information can be found at the website: Medical Physics, Radiation Physics/Chemistry, Radiation Protection and other related areas will be also covered during the Conference. A specific International Workshop on Occupational Radiation Protection will be held as pre-conference event. Deadline for abstracts submission: March 24th 2003 Accepted papers will be published in a special issue of Radiation Protection Dosimetry (an SCI Journal), and participants at the Workshop are specially invited to contribute with a paper. For information about the Conference or to be included in our mailing, please contact Antonio Mendez-Vilas Jose Antonio Mesa Gonzalez APHYS2003 Secretariat E-mail: Phone/Fax: +34 924 258 615 Apart from the "tradicional" scientific presentations (oral communications and posters), APHYS2003 will include also "Projects Presentations" and Call for Partners presentations, specially for European Projects, which will bring to the Conference to really International and muldisciplinar research teams doing applied research very close to industry. We hope you find it interesting to present your research and/or to search for partners in APHYS-2003. Happy 2003 to all !!! Antonio Mendez Vilas APHYS-2003 Co-ordinator |