"Engelbretson, David A." <DEngelbret@TMH.TMC.EDU> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,In regard to chemical agents used for treating certain types of RAM exposures, are there any substitutes available for the following two chemicals ?Ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue), a blocking agent for Cs-137, is not recognized by the U.S. Pharmacopeia and is not approved by the FDA.DTPA, a chelating agent, is not commercially available either. I believe it is only available under Investigational New Drug (IND) permits for treatment of persons contaminated internally with plutonium. However, calcium EDTA is available and has effectiveness for the transuranium metals, but DTPA is generally more effective.Any assistance or direction would be appreciated. Thank you.David EngelbretsonRadiation Safety Dept.Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas
These compounds can be used under the direction of REAC/TS as part of their IND (investigative new drug) protocols. See http://www.orau.gov/reacts/resources.htm They are always looking for new "subjects."
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com