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RE: Dosimeters and airport security - Relative Response of dosimeters
Rob is quite accurate in his assessment. Depending on the standard
followed, country processed in, the Ck (dose conversion factors) are
all different. In the past, NVLAP used ANSI N13.11-1993 and Handbook
150 to assess dose. NVLAP now uses ANSI N13.11-2001. DOELAP used EH-
0026 and EH-0027 to assess dose. The dose calculated using the same
badge in the same area at the same time would result in a different
dose assessment and official dose record. In the USA we calculate
DDE, SDE and LDE. In many of the European countries, they calculate
Hp(d) and Hp(s). They don't calculate lens dose equivalent.
Algorithms are unique to each processor and the method of processing
is always different. QA/QC programs are different (I conduct NVLAP on-
site assessments) and have never seen any consistency.
In conclusion, dose is not dose. Double badging and you have a real
mess on your hands!
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100 Extension 2306
Fax:(714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/
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