For your information:
Managing the Consequences of "Dirty Bombs"
Los Angeles County Terrorism Exercise
January 22, 2003 - 12:00 Noon Eastern Time
Jan. 16, 2002 - The EIIP is pleased to host a 'live chat' presentation and interactive Q&A session on the Los Angeles County Operational Area Terrorism Exercise, on Wednesday, January 22nd. This major exercise was held during November, 2002 to test the participants ability to respond to an attack by terrorists using so-called dirty bombs designed to spread radiation. The exercise, which included participation from 51 cities and various agencies within the County, was the culmination of months of planning by all County agencies over the past year.
Our special guest will be Ian Whyte, Program Manager, and exercise design team leader for the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management. Mr. Whyte is a native southern Californian who has been involved in emergency management for nearly ten years. His current responsibilities include coordinating the participation of the many entities in the County’s annual exercise.
-Susan McElrath
(770) 222-4958