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Weighting Factor for Hot Particle Skin Doses
Jan. 24, 2003
Dear Radsafers:
Many thanks to those who have contributed to this discussion. In reading
the answers, I realized that I have another question.
According to the Statements of Consideration for Part 20, "External doses
to the head, trunk (including male gonads), arms above the elbow, or legs
above the knee are to be treated as whole-body doses. For the purpose of
weighting the external whole-body dose (for adding it to the internal
dose), a single weighting factor, wsubT = 1.0, has been specified."
As the permissible limit for whole body radiation absorbed dose is 5 rem, I
assumed that if the skin of the head was irradiated, the 5 rem limit would
apply, not the 50 rem limit. Or, is it 50 rem shallow dose and 5 rem deep
dose? Or something else?
Ciao, Carol
Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.
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