Jose Julio Rozental
Al-Qaeda still a threat to US
security: FBI, CIA
[ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2003 09:24:53 PM ] In a joint appearance before the Senate Intelligence
Committee, Robert Mueller and
CIA Director George J. Tenet painted a chilling portrait
of a fanatical enemy that
seeks to use chemical, biological and radiological weapons
against Americans and might target lightly guarded places such as shopping malls
or universities.
The appearance by Mueller and Tenet also coincided with a recent upgrading of the national terrorist threat level from "elevated" to "high." Tenet said intelligence points to attacks that could occur this week, possibly using a "dirty bomb" that spews out radiological material. ................ Evidence of al-Qaeda's capabilities was demonstrated, officials say, by the October nightclub bombing in Bali, Indonesia, that killed almost 200 people and November attacks in Kenya on an Israeli resort that left 15 dead. Many more would have died in the Kenya attack had two shoulder-fired missiles not missed a charter jetliner as it took off to take home a planeload of Israeli tourists. |