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RE: Sec. Ridge accurately addresses the impact of a "dirty bomb"
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Sandy Perle wrote:
> Take the bomb testing in
> Nevada/Utah where the soldiers were told there would be no effect from the
> radiation,
--There is still no reason to believe that there were bad effects
how about Vietnam and agent orange
--There is still no reason to believe that there were bad effects
, how about the '91 Gulf War and
> chemical exposure
--There is still no reason to believe that there were bad effects
, take the anthrax deaths in DC and NY, where our scientists
> didn't even know that anthrax would simply move through the molecular gaps in the
> paper envelopes
--Not having known something is very different from deception.
Were there claims that anthrax could not get through the envelopes?
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