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EmergencyNet News

16:00CST/23:00 - Lagos, Nigeria time - 28 Feb 2003


Radioactive Sources Missing; IAEA Declares Emergency


From the ERRI/EmergencyNet News Watchdesk


By C. L. Staten


LAGO, NIGERIA (EmergencyNet News) -- A "radiological emergency" has reportedly been declared by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as it searches for missing materials that are toxic and radioactive. Reportedly, the missing substances are americium and beryllium. The exact amount or each, that is missing, is presently unclear. They were being used for inspecting oil pipelines for cracks or leaks, when they were discovered as being missing. The Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Agency had previously reported the possible theft (see previous 27 Feb 2003 Emergencynet News report), but information coming from the region now indicates that the missing materials may have been as the result of a "strategic theft."


EmergencyNet News is monitoring events in Nigeria closely and will bring you additional details as circumstances warrant...


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