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Re: Letter to Congressman McDermott by Leuren Moret
YES - THEY DO! The friction of passing through the armor causes the
pyrophoric DU to ignite. That is one reason US tanks use multi layer Al
for armor instead of steel.
> Jeffries Cameron wrote:
> I can't believe these people think that DU rounds burn. They are
> Armour Piecing rounds and rely on having a dense, penetrating rod of
> DU to punch through the armor. None of this burning at 170 degrees C
> when the design purpose requires the rod to remain intact. Especially
> when U has a melting point of 1132 degrees C and boiling point of 3818
> degrees C (CRC Handbook 58th edition).
> That's not to mention the radioactivity aspects
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BobCherry@AOL.COM [mailto:BobCherry@AOL.COM]
> Sent: Friday, 7 March 2003 10:13 AM
> To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: Letter to Congressman McDermott by Leuren Moret
> There they go again:
> http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2003/Leuren-Moret-Gen-Groves21feb03.htm
> Looking at reference 2 in the letter, I learned that the
> Olean Times-Herald published my letter to the editor of a
> month ago and that the letter attracted activists'
> attention.
> For the record, I am not a spokesperson for the DOD and
> never have been. I am a retired Army colonel who wrote that
> letter as a private citizen concerned about an inaccurate
> editorial. I am sending a copy of this note to Congressman
> McDermott lest he get the wrong impression of me.
> I may have found a new hobby!
> Bob Cherry, Ph.D., CHP
> Colonel, U.S. Army (retired)
> PS Here is what I wrote to Rep. McDermott:
> ==============================
> Dear Mr. McDermott:
> I learned of a letter that an activist sent you that appears
> on the following website:
> http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2003/Leuren-Moret-Gen-Groves21feb03.htm
> The author referenced a letter that I wrote to a newspaper
> editor and said that my letter represented a DOD position.
> That is not true.
> I am not a spokesperson for the DOD and never have been. I
> am a retired Army colonel and wrote my letter as a private
> citizen concerned about an inaccurate editorial having to do
> with an activist's (Doug Rokke) misrepresentations of
> himself and of depleted uranium.
> By the way, the letter on the website is full of baloney,
> too.
> Sincerely,
> Robert N. Cherry, Jr., Ph.D., CHP
> Colonel, U.S. Army (retired)
> ========================================
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