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RE: Cancer Rates
I am interested in comments regarding this study:
{PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Thyroid Ca/Radiation in Workplace"}Cancer Tied to Workplace Radiation Low doses might play a role in thyroid cancer
Medical workers exposed to low doses of radiation on the job might face an
increased risk of thyroid cancer. So, too, might dental, various industrial and nuclear
power workers, claims a new Canadian study that examined data on a half-million
people. Linking radiation exposure to cancer is nothing new. It's well documented
that atomic bomb survivors and those who've received high doses of radiation to
treat non-cancerous diseases have a higher incidence of cancer later in life.
Now, however, the new study links higher incidence of cancer -- and specifically
thyroid cancer -- to low-dose radiation. The researchers used data collected by the
Canadian National Dose Registry, which has monitored radiation exposure of
workers since 1951, and compared it to the Canadian Cancer Data Base.
They connected 3,737 workers with cancer (2,098 men and 1,639 women) to
radiation exposure between 1969 and l988. Most victims were between the ages of
21 and 85. "The thyroid cancer incidence ¦ is greater than would be expected, and
the incidence in women is very significant," says lead researcher Willem N. Sont, of
Canada's Radiation Protection Bureau.
Sont says this study is the first to focus on medical workers who are exposed to low-
dose radiation over a period of time. But he quickly adds that, despite all the linkages
found, "we don't know the cause, [and] we cannot say for sure it's from radiation."
"We can only speculate," Sont says. Findings appear in the current issue of the
American Journal of Epidemiology.
Radiation exposure is measured in doses, taking into account both internal and
external exposure to ionizing radiation, which includes gamma, beta and X-rays. The
amount of radiation absorbed by a gram of tissue is expressed in millisieverts, or
mSv. The average dose received by the study participants was 6.64 mSv, with men
receiving a much higher average dose than women: 11.50 mSv vs. 1.75 mSv, the
study says.
Not everyone agrees with the researchers' conclusions, however. John Boice,
scientific director of the International Epidemiology Institute and a professor of
medicine at Vanderbilt University, points out that people normally get between 1 mSv
and 3 mSv a year from natural sources, like cosmic rays and the air we breathe.
"Thyroid cancer is a major effect of radiation, [but] it comes from exposure in
childhood, before the age of 20," Boice maintains.
The fact that the Canadian study finds excesses of thyroid cancers in adults may be
attributable to "much better medical care and screening and advancements in
detection" rather than radiation exposure, he says. Sont says the researchers also
found a higher-than-expected link between low-dose radiation exposure and
melanoma, a virulent form of skin cancer. But again, he says, "There are other
factors which cause melanoma. A very obvious one is exposure to ultraviolet [light]."
With that, Boice concurs. "Melanoma is not associated with ionizing radiation," Boice
says. "Basal cell and squamous cell cancers have been linked to high dosages, but
when melanoma pops up, we think of other potential causes." Sun exposure
generally comes to mind, he says.
Incidence of other cancers -- including testicular, pancreatic and colon cancer -- also
was found by the Canadian researchers, but they say it's not possible from this study
alone to declare cause and effect. The next step, Sont says, is to look at dose
information for workers after l988. "With smaller doses, the cancer is harder to find,
and that's why this study will make contributions," he says. "But linking cancer to
radiation exposure is more difficult, and more work needs to be done."
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service
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Fax: (714) 668-3149
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