----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 12:58
Subject: Re: New Scientist Reports on DU
and Iraq
How difficult must it have been in "Past studies of DU ..." to perform
research on the radiation effects of DU and remain oblivious to toxic effects
of DU and vice versa? From the content of New Scientist I've seen over the
past couple years, my impression is that it is simply a "popular" magazine and
by no stretch of the imagination does it resemble a scientific journal
(whether peer reviewed or not). OK, follow the money, but great jumpin'
butterballs, surely there remain some reasonable limits.
Maury, If you are ever able to find
where such "limits" exist, please let us know.
Whatever the problem, isn't further
research always needed? Is it wise to kill the goose that lays the golden