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Re: As usual -- to account for these events, follow the money.
I must take issue with one of Maury's contentions! The science regarding then "ozone hole" (actually, depletion of the ozone layer between the stratosphere and the tropospher, is very good. McElroy et al published a paper in SCIENCE in 1978 correlating ozone layer depletion with world production of CFC aerosols, and Rowland and Molina received a Nobel prize for elucidating the depletio mechanism, which involves photochemical formation of a CF2Cl. free radical that sequesters atomic oxygen from the ozone/atomic O-molecular O2 equilibrium. The same mechanism holds for reaction of NO in the stratosphere with ozone. There is an excellent article about this by Rowland in Scientific American about 6 or 7 years ago.
There IS good environmental science and we do ourselves no favor at all by lumping really good science with junk. The science that went into ozone depletion is better than the science of global climate change
Ruth F. Weiner
Ruth F. Weiner
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