Protons shmotons.
What I would like to know is why the damned NEUTRONS stay put while confined in an atomic nucleus or a neutron star, but as soon as they get free, they fall to pieces in a few minutes !
-----Original Message-----
From: John Jacobus [mailto:crispy_bird@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Friday April 25, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Jerry Cohen; Dan Hoffman; John Jacobus; radsafe
Subject: Re: Bismuth breaks half-life record
And if the proton does not decay . . .?
--- Jerry Cohen <jjcohen@PRODIGY.NET> wrote:
> It is hard for me to conceive of anything with a
> half-life of ~10^19 years
> as "radioactive". Given enough time, all matter will
> eventually decay, since
> the proton itself is reputed to decay with have a
> half-life of ~10^31yr.
. . .
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
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