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RE: Award offer
You state, Bill Field's implication that Dr. Puskin has explained Dr. Cohen's
> discrepancy and deserves the award is premature.
I thbnk Carl stated that if you read the email. My comment was that he Puskin
could not accept it.
> To Bill Field and Radsafe,
> Dr. Puskin has contributed an interesting and valuable paper addressing
> "Cohen's discrepancy," i.e., Cohen's negative county level association
> between radon and lung cancer. Puskin shows that respiratory system cancers
> correlate negatively with radon, but other cancers do not. He then assumes
> that this is due to smoking (i.e., the smoke causes respiratory system
> cancers but not other cancers). He then implies that, for some reason, radon
> is higher in counties where smoking is lower. He offers no data
> demonstrating why this would be so.
> I can think of no reason why radon would be robustly and consistently higher
> in counties where smoking is lower. To me, this is an implausible
> association.
> Bill Field's implication that Dr. Puskin has explained Dr. Cohen's
> discrepancy and deserves the award is premature.
> Best regards,
> Wes
> Wesley R. Van Pelt, PhD, CIH, CHP
> Wesley R. Van Pelt Associates, Inc.
> http://home.att.net/~wesvanpelt/Radiation.html
> wesvanpelt@att.net
> > Carl,
> >
> > Since Dr. Puskin is a federal employee, he likely can not accept a reward
> > offer. However, a donation to the American Cancer Society could be made
> > in
> > his name.
> >
> > Regards, Bill Field
> > epirad@mchsi.com
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