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Re: ACNP/SNM Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Guideline
To take this one step further, how many licensees are doing things differently since the implementation of the revision to 10 CFR 35. Please let me know and I will assemble a listing.
Carol Marcus <csmarcus@ucla.edu> wrote:
May 11, 2003
Dear Radsafers:
I'm curious to know how many licensees are using the ACNP/SNM "Guide for Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine" in lieu of NRC's NUREG 1556 Vol. 9. The ACNP/SNM Guide is, in my opinion, far more sensible, realistic, and cost effective than NRC's Vol. 9. NRC has endorsed this alternative guidance---it is basically an "industry standard---and has mentioned it in RIS 2002-23, issued Nov. 27, 2002. It is also mentioned in the March issue of NRC's "NMSS Licensee Newsletter" (p.7). By the way, the ACNP/SNM Guide for Therapy Nuclear Medicine is finished and being reviewed at present.
The Guide for Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine can be found by going to:
Please respond to me personally, along with any comments you may have concerning this guidance.
Ciao, Carol
Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com
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