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Re: Cardio disease citation--as promised, was Gofman
Dear Mr. Harrison:
Sorry for the interruption to you and your work there in Colorado ( a beautiful state BTW), but does this mean I should stop bothering the board?
Does this email mean that I am bothering the board? If so to you, I am sorry.
L.H. Ricciuti
"To be confounded is one thing, to be the confounder another." Cite me...
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In a message dated 6/9/2003 10:55:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, Tony.Harrison@state.co.us writes:
>This issue isn't limited to studies of radiation health effects, but arises in any study where health effects are correlated with environmental exposures.
>Unlike physics problems, epidemiological problems rarely have answers that are clear cut.
COMMENT-So nary the twain shall meet?
>The bottom line is that neither health physics nor epidemiology should
>be practiced by amateurs.
Back to work,
Tony Harrison, MSPH
Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment
Laboratory Services Division
COMMENT-NONE, I'm confounded once again.