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Re: Cardio disease citation--as promised, was Gofman
I don't speak for the "board", but I think the subject is appropriate.
You're not bothering me, but toning down the aggression might be wise.
You're either trying to resolve a complicated issue or your trying to
bully people into your point of view, which is it?
As for Colorado, yes it's beautiful, but full of uranium, and has one
of the highest suicide rates in the country. Those statements apply to
Wyoming and New Mexico as well. Many radsafers have noted that low
cancer rates correlate well with high background radiation. Someday
when I'm not busy I'd like to check nationwide: does high background
radiation correlate with high suicide rates? There's got to be some
grant money in there somewhere.
Tony Harrison, MSPH
Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment
Laboratory Services Division
>>> <NiagaraNet@aol.com> 06/09/03 09:08AM >>>
Dear Mr. Harrison:
Sorry for the interruption to you and your work there in Colorado ( a
beautiful state BTW), but does this mean I should stop bothering the
Does this email mean that I am bothering the board? If so to you, I am
L.H. Ricciuti
"To be confounded is one thing, to be the confounder another." Cite
*** *** *** *** *** ***
In a message dated 6/9/2003 10:55:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,
Tony.Harrison@state.co.us writes:
>This issue isn't limited to studies of radiation health effects, but
in any study where health effects are correlated with environmental
>Unlike physics problems, epidemiological problems rarely have answers
are clear cut.
COMMENT-So nary the twain shall meet?
> >The bottom line is that neither health physics nor epidemiology
> >be practiced by amateurs.
Back to work,
Tony Harrison, MSPH
Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment
Laboratory Services Division
COMMENT-NONE, I'm confounded once again.
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