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FW: Epidemiological musings of a non-biologist
-----Original Message-----
From: Bradt, Clayton
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:23 AM
To: 'epirad@mchsi.com'
Subject: RE: Epidemiological musings of a non-biologist
Actually, I think all you have is an estimate of the time-average airborne
concentration of radon in each home, combined with an estimate of how much
time each individual spent in the home, right? That information is assumed
to be linearly related to lung dose. But the lung consists of many
populations of cells of various cell types. The lung dose is an average
representing the dose to every cell in the lung.
-----Original Message-----
From: epirad@mchsi.com [mailto:epirad@mchsi.com]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 6:14 PM
To: Bradt, Clayton
Subject: RE: Epidemiological musings of a non-biologist
No, with case-control radon studies you know the exposure to the lungs for
each individual. In an ecologic study, you have a few short term screening
measurements per county representing the radon dose to everyone in the
> Bill,
> Thanks for the references. My issue, though, is not so much the problems
> with ecologic studies, but rather whether all studies relating dose
> (inherently an average quantity either over a group of individuals, or
> organs, tissue types, cells or molecules) to cancer, are not in fact
> ecologic studies?
> Clayton
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