Q = AV: I think the intent is Q(volume/time) = A(cross sectional area)*V(fluid velocity). (Or else, if A is some new symbol for capacitance, then this is the definition of capacitance.)
V = 4005*(Vp)^0.5 I don't have a clue, but it looks like some kind of fluid mechanics equation.
Gdb = 10 log10 (Ga) This looks like the definition of decibels, an industrial hygiene unit for measuring sound intensity on a log scale. It probably applies to any wave intensity, where the wave amplitude, in decibels, is 10 times the wave amplitude, in linear units. (Kevin, my CIH buddy, where are you?)
UV equation - I don't have a clue.
sigma sub s = ... This is the formula for error propagation,
where sigma is the standard deviation, u is the overall error, and
x, y, and z are the independent error. (See Glenn Knoll's book.)
For example, if u = x + y + z, then
(sigma sub u)^2 = (sigma sub x)^2 + (sigma sub y)^ 2 + (sigma sub z)^2
Good luck on the exam. If you figure out the mystery equations, please let us know.
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
It's not about dose, it's about trust.
Curies forever.
Bill Lipton
Sam Iverstine wrote:
Hi present and future CHPs Does anyone have the symbols and units defined?Specifically, I am struggling with Q=AV (charge volts and area?) , V=4005radicalVp, (is this ave voltage and peak or something else?), the RF relationships (such as Ga??), The UV formula (sumationESdelta lambda = Eeff all are what?), and under Misc. eqs: sigma u squared is what?, and exposure rate assuming in a mass of some media is in curies? to rad? and includes build up or not. Exam date this year is July 21st. Any help is much appreciated.
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