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RE: Field's comments on Cohen's Observation
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 epirad@mchsi.com wrote:
> You stated that from LNT, it follows as the night the day that radiologically-
> induced cancer incidence (and cancer mortality, given reasonably uniform
> standards of treatment) is a linear function of person-rem exposure. As such,
> an ecologic study is adequate to test the LNT, assuming dependence and
> confounding issues can be handled.
> I have two brief comments,
> First, radiologically induced lung cancer is not a linear function as per
> person-rem unless you can describe the population in pretty good detail. For
> example, there are many factors that modify the assumed linearity such as age,
> smoking, etc.
--All of these have been carefully treated in my papers. Why can't
you give me a concrete hypothetical example of what the problem could
possibly be?
> Secondly, you state that ASSUMING dependence and confounding issues can be
> handled, an ecologic study is adequate to test the LNT"
> That is really the heart of the problem isn't it? Dr. Cohen has not persuaded
> me or from what I can tell most informed epidemiologist and statisticians that
> he has indeed handled effect modifiers and confounders adequately.
--My procedures for doing this are explained logically
in item #7 on my web site. No one has proposed what may be wrong with that
tightly reasoned treatment
Dr. Cohen
> has not addressed the within county joint distributions of even smoking and
> radon let alone all the other socioeconomic factors that are also co-correlated
> with smoking.
--Not true. If you believe this you should be able to give me a
concrete hypothetical example of what I hhave not covered in my treatments
Because Dr. Cohen uses ecologic smoking information, he can not
> hope to correct for the problem I mentioned above regardless how many attempts
> he makes.
--If you believe this, you should be able to give me a concrete
hypothetical example of what you say here.
> I previously sent Dr. Cohen a possible methodology to address the within county
> joint distribution problems, but he indicated to me that he thought the
> methodology had little to do with his work.
--If you think there is something wrong with my treatment, you
should explain it. I see no obligation for me to use a treatment you
recommend. Moreover, I could not understand how I could use the treatment
you recommend
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