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Re: question on Boral shielding

BORAL is with out a doubt a tried and true, excellent material used for neutron shielding.  Be cautioned though, I have experienced some corrosion/degredation issues with this material in water saturated environments, especially if the seal (edge welds) on the material have failed.  There are other options for this type of environement if needed, ie Borated Aluminum.


Boral is a uniform dispersion of a boron carbide in
aluminium. The resulting sandwich has an exceptionally
high cross-section for thermal neutrons and will
withstand temperatures up to 540ºC.

Chemical & Physical Properties:
Boron atoms/cc: 23.8 x 1021
Temperature Limit: 540ºC
Density: 2.5g/cc

--- "Franta, Jaroslav" <frantaj@AECL.CA> wrote:
> Would anyone in Radsafe have some details on the
> shielding material Boral,
> that they could please send me ?
> . . .

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird@yahoo.com

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Dave Brown, CHP
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