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FW: NRC : Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards [ISCORS]
I received this through another list server and thought many on this list
would be interested.
-- John
John P. Jacobus, MS, CHP
Health Physicist
-----Original Message-----
From: Grissom, Mike [mailto:mikeg@SLAC.Stanford.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:13 AM
To: 'Medhp-Sec (E-mail)'
Subject: MEDHP-SEC: US NRC FR re: Notice of Public Meeting of the
Interagency Steerin g Committee on Radiation Standards [ISCORS]
Federal Register: June 25, 2003 (Volume 68,
Number 122)
Page 37867-37868
Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering
Committee on Radiation Standards
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
will host a meeting of the Interagency Steering
Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) on July 8,
2003, at 12:00 pm, in Rockville, Maryland. The purpose
of ISCORS is to foster early resolution and
coordination of regulatory issues associated with
radiation standards. Agencies represented on ISCORS
include the NRC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense,
U.S. Department of Transportation, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration of the U.S.
Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. The Office of Science and
Technology Policy, the Office of Management and Budget,
and State representatives may be observers at meetings.
The objectives of ISCORS are to:
(1) Facilitate a consensus on allowable levels of
radiation risk to the public and workers;
(2) promote consistent and scientifically sound risk
assessment and risk management approaches in
setting and implementing standards for
occupational and public protection from ionizing
(3) promote completeness and coherence of Federal
standards for radiation protection; and
(4) identify interagency radiation protection issues
and coordinate their resolution.
ISCORS meetings include presentations by the chairs of
the subcommittees and discussions of current radiation
protection issues. Committee meetings normally involve
pre-decisional intra-governmental discussions and, as
such, are normally not open for observation by members
of the public or media. One of the four ISCORS meetings
each year is open to all interested members of the
public. There will be time on the agenda for members of
the public to provide comments.
Summaries of previous ISCORS meetings are available at
the ISCORS Web site:
and the final agenda for the July meeting will be
posted on the site shortly before the meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
on Tuesday, July 8, 2003.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in the NRC
auditorium, at Two White Flint North, 11545 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
James Kennedy
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
telephone 301-415-6668
fax 301-415-5397
E-mail: jek1@nrc.gov
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Visitor parking around the
NRC building is limited; however, the NRC auditorium
is located adjacent to the White Flint Metro Station
on the Red Line.
Dated at Rockville, MD, this 19th day of June, 2003.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
C. William Reamer,
Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management, Office
of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 03-16017 Filed 6-24-03; 8:45 am]
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