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RE: HP Positions

Mike Stabin wrote:

> etc. I wish that we could require treatment plans - NOT just to make

> more jobs for HPs, although that would result, but for the sake of the

> patients. Their therapies under this approach are not optimal. I also

> think we should have more requirements for well trained and certified

> HPs being responsible for medical HP duties and not have this thrust


> Medical Physicists or even MDs, who may be smart enough to do it, but

> who often don't have the time or focus to do it well.

Unfortunately the hospital where I was employed as RSO was in such bad

shape they laid off 50 full time equivalent persons (no direct patient

contact personnel), about 5% of total employees.  I was one.  They

claimed to eliminate my position, but of course couldn't exactly do

that, so they just had the chief medical physicist spend half his time

taking on my full-time position, and increased the workload of the other

underutilized medical physicist.  Fortunately the chief medical

physicist had rad safety experience, but it was another case of costs

taking precedence.


Robert A. Scott, CHP

Health Physics Consultant

Westerly, RI  02891-4440


401-322-1700 FAX



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