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Radiation Hormesis

I'm very curious of list member's opinions on radiation Hormesis. Most RT(R)

professionals I talk to either roll their eyes and dismiss it as 'just a

theory', or it's a new vocabulary word for them.

Dr. Petr Beckmann of "Access To Energy" (http://www.accesstoenergy.com/; a

pro-science / pro-technology newsletter he authored until his death), gave

compelling evidence for the beneficial effects of low-level radiation on

longevity and health.  There are numerous other website references to studies

that also espouse positive bio-benefits.

Does anyone have an opinion of this theory? What role, if any does the theory

play in exposure mitigation - in policy making or otherwise - none whatsoever

(I assume)?  What's the current thinking given the scientific evidence gathered


Karl Ellison

Salem, MA


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