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DOE Office of Science Issues Strategic Plan -- R & D
I received this through another list server and
thought it might be of interest.
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science
Policy News
Number 28: March 9, 2004
DOE Office of Science Issues Strategic Plan
The Department of Energy's Office of Science has
released a Strategic Plan for the next twenty years.
Complementing the twenty year facilities plan issued
last November (see
http://www.aip.org/enews/fyi/2003/150.html) the two
reports chart the course that the Office of Science
intends to pursue in the next two decades.
The Strategic Plan was the result of many interactions
with the Office of Science's Advisory Committees,
senior officials of national laboratories and the
university community, and other interested
individuals, as well as a review of policy documents.
The plan contains numerous illustrations and
layman-oriented descriptions of various programs, and
can be accessed at
The Strategic Plan accomplishes at least two
objectives. As was true with the facilities plan, it
sets forth in a straightforward manner the Office of
Science's intentions for the next twenty years. Both
documents also clarify for the nontechnical reader
what the Office of Science wants to accomplish, and
why that research is important.
Seven overarching goals for the Office of Science
provide the structure for the report. They are:
1. Advance the Basic Sciences for Energy Independence
2. Harness the Power of Our Living World
3. Bring the Power of the Stars to Earth
4. Explore the Fundamental Interactions of Energy,
Matter, Time and Space
5. Explore Nuclear Matter - from Quarks to Stars
6. Deliver Computing for the Frontiers of Science
7. Provide the Resource Foundations that Enable Great
For each goal, there is a ten to twelve page section
describing the rationale for the goal, important
questions to be answered, a historical overview of
previous discoveries, research strategies, and key
indicators of success. Of perhaps greatest interest
for researchers are two-page Strategic Timetables
setting forth how the Office of Science would proceed
through the year 2025. This timetable has two
categories: The Science and Future Facilities.
In reviewing these Strategic Timetables, it is
important to bear in mind the important footnote at
the bottom of the page: "These strategic milestones
are illustrative and depend on funds made available
through the Federal budget process."
The Strategic Plan and the Facilities Plan will play
important roles in securing those federal funds in
this and future sessions of Congress. The reports are
being well-received on Capitol Hill, with Senator Pete
Domenici (R-NM) telling Office of Science Director Ray
Orbach at a hearing last week that the Facilities Plan
was "terrific." Domenici said that he hoped the
report would receive wide exposure, which is the next
order of business for the Office of Science, and as
importantly, the scientific community that relies on
the programs and facilities of the Office of Science.
Richard M. Jones
Media and Government Relations Division
The American Institute of Physics
fyi@aip.org http://www.aip.org/gov
(301) 209-3094
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